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Australia's 'new problem' with COVID-19 vaccine rollout

ASSA | 2021-04-20 11:13:48

The President of the Australian Medical Association says the country has a "new problem" with its COVID-19 vaccine rollout - that a number of Australians have lost confidence in the jabs.
National Cabinet yesterday agreed to bring forward the country's next stage of the rollout, giving vaccine access to Australians over the age of 50 in a bid to ramp up jabs.
But Dr Omar Khorshid told Today he believes there was now a reluctance among some sectors of the population to get the vaccine.

It comes as rare blood clots were found to be linked to AstraZeneca.
"Our problem in the past was a lack of vaccines, but just in the last week or so, we've got a new problem and that is Australians have lost confidence in the vaccines," Dr Khorshid said.
"So a real challenge for our governments, for our medical profession, is to actually get Australians to go into their GP, roll up their sleeve and get their vaccine."
